Challenges in recruiting and retaining teachers in general, and teachers of color in particular, may impact improvement efforts two-fold: 1) teachers are the most important within-school resource for student achievement, which is hindered when unqualified teachers are deployed to schools where shortages are severe, and 2) shortages negatively impact other initiatives and investments made by states and districts, such as new curriculum, technology, smaller classrooms and other initiatives that become unsuccessful in schools and classrooms with shortages of good teachers.
We bring cutting-edge expertise to help your school system identify and address challenges in providing equitable access to highly-qualified teachers, diversifying the educator workforce, and tackling the teacher shortage. This work is led by Etai Mizrav, who lead many similar efforts in his role as the Manager of Policy and Equity for the Washington, DC department of education, and then as a consultant and facilitator to many states and districts across the country, as they address their recruitment and retention challenges.
Our unique Components Approach is structured and results-driven, allowing school systems to identify key challenge areas in order to create an action plan tailored to their unique needs. The approach allows school systems to tackle challenges by breaking them apart into components, allowing a focus on areas where they may have the most impact and then continuing to monitor for success. Watch the video below to hear more about our Components Approach for Alleviating the Educator Shortage and Diversifying the Teacher Workforce.