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Outcome-Led Equity Review

Gaps in student achievement are symptoms. Gaps in employment are symptoms. Gaps in housing stability are symptoms. The source of these gaps is historic and modern and systemic and real. They are baked into our policies and institutional practices and create barriers and gaps in opportunities. Dismantling inequitable policies and practices requires new ideas, new methods, and listening to perspectives and lived experiences that have too often been ignored.

Diversity Equity and Inclusion: Projects

An equity review, also called an equity audit or needs assessment, provides systems with clear indicators for how well they are meeting the needs of all their constituents and the ways in which they may unintentionally contribute to existing inequality. We offer a unique approach to administering an equity review as an opportunity to help school systems, governments, public agencies, and nonprofits identify the system's contribution to inequality and the ways in which it can improve these outcomes. The Outcome-Led Equity ⟨™⟩ approach rests on four guiding principles: Outcomes and Data, Stakeholder-Led Inquiry, Focus on the Possible, and Findings Accessible to Everyone. 

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